Rivera Elementary School Home
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We will miss you Val! Happy Retirement!

Every eagle encourages kindness!

2022-2023 Student Council
Mr. Archuleta visited our school and read to Mrs. Garcia's class during Read Across America Week.

Our Eagles are college bound!

You'll be missed Miss Patty!

We will miss you Miss Patty! Thank you for making every student at Rivera feel special. Remember that 'Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle."
It's Wear Green Day in honor of Mrs. Green

2nd Grade Teachers

Huge thanks to our hardworking PTO parents for putting on such a fun and successful Color Run each year.

Congratulations on your retirement Ms. Jose!
Read Across America Week.

Third Grade Team

Students were to build the tallest tower they can using index cards and dot stickers. This group of students in Mrs. Hernandez's class built the tallest tower measuring 61.5 inches! Congratulations Roberto, Isabella, Khaleesi, Germain, and Samantha for building the tallest tower!

Happy Halloween from the staff at Rivera Elementary!
News & Announcements

Winter Showcase