Letter to the Rivera Community

Members of the Rivera Community,

            Rivera Elementary believes that student success starts with a strong home-school relationship. We believe that to ensure each student finds success at school, that a positive and consistent line of communication exists between teachers and parents. Strong communication that is built upon a foundation of trust will strengthen this relationship. The staff at Rivera realizes the immense responsibility that is given to us each day when you drop your children off at school. This is the responsibility to continue to care for your child’s needs while they are away from your care. I assure you that each and every staff member at Rivera is deeply committed to do their best to meet the needs of every child, everyday, to the best of their abilities.

It has been brought to my attention that some families have taken frustrations and concerns to public forums and social media in recent days. These frustrations and concerns were voiced in a public forum before they were brought to school staff. I would like to take this opportunity to remind all members of our Rivera Family that any issue or concern can be and will be addressed by our school’s staff in a timely manner. Our goal is to create a positive and nurturing environment for all students. In order to meet this goal, we must take the time to share all of our concerns to each other in a manner that encourages productive, positive, and student-centered conversations. Rivera Elementary values communication, trust and honesty. Therefore, I urge you to be part of the team that is built on the strengths of the members of our community. We can only achieve that by addressing the differences in a safe and supportive environment. Our school is that space. I thank you all for your support of our school and our students.

The following are specific steps to address concerns here at Rivera Elementary:

  1. Request an appointment with your child’s teacher.
  2. Share your concerns with the teacher. (You can also write an email to the teacher and or request a conference call)
  3. Listen to the teacher’s perspective.
  4. Find solution with the teacher
  5. If you are not able to achieve the solution of behalf of your child, please request an appointment with the principal.
  6. Work with the principal to find a solution.
Mr. Sermeno - Principal 